10 Self-Care Tips to Manage and Reduce Stress
Establishing a daily route is essential. Whether that’s going to work, making time to exercise, eating meals, etc., our days fill up quickly. Often, we neglect to schedule some time for ourselves, which can cause more harm to our bodies than we realize. It puts our bodies into constant fight or flight mode releasing as we are always on to the next thing on our to-do lists. This additional stress piles on until our body can no longer handle it, causing burnout and sickness.
We can reduce the risk of stress by incorporating downtime into our schedules and practicing self-care. Our goal is always to be the healthiest versions of ourselves so that we can show up for ourselves, loved ones, friends, and coworkers every day. Follow these 10 tips and you’ll be on your way to finding your “inner Zen” on your next healthcare travel assignment.