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How to Combat Pandemic Burnout | LRS Healthcare

Written by LRS Healthcare | Sep 8, 2021 3:02:00 PM

Everyone can remember their last “normal” day of 2020.  Even after a year and a half of practicing social distancing and quarantine, it is critical to take good care of yourself. With the number of positive cases increasing again, it seems as though we are running a race with an undetermined finish line. These tips for pandemic burnout are more long-term techniques to hopefully bring some instant relief while building on one another to create a more stable mental and physical health baseline.



Self-care is not optional when combating pandemic burnout these days. The best part about self-care is that it looks a little different for everyone. It can be as simple as making your favorite dinner to being as elaborate as a skin care and spa night. Not every day needs to be an expensive self-care day but setting aside time for yourself to do activities that give your purpose will improve your overall wellbeing.


Take a Break

Fall and winter are just around the corner so now is the time to get your last bit of pleasant outdoor time before it gets a little chilly. Day trips to hiking paths or nature reserves are a great way to embrace the great outdoors while staying at a safe 6-foot distance from others. Taking a break from social media and decreasing your news intake is not a bad idea either. Not only is it straining on your eyes but keeping too up to date can leave users overloaded with potential negative emotions that tank your energy. Try taking periodic breaks throughout the day or week and see how you are feeling.



Create a Routine

Focusing on tasks that your can manage will keep your mind at ease. Simple tasks such as changing out of your pajamas, eating breakfast, and allowing a few minutes for meditation can kick start your morning productivity at work. The key is to create a habit out of this cycle that seemed so second nature when working in the office building. Many WFH employees have found great success in a workout regime to keep them active weekly. This does not have to be an intense lifestyle change, but simply adding a walk after dinner a few times a week.


Connect with others

Humans are naturally social beings. It is important to remember that you are not alone even if you are physically social distancing alone. The beginning of quarantine and social distancing led to usage of video call for work and school but what about your social life? Try hosting a Zoom Movie Night with friends or even a happy hour to catch up with those you have not seen in a few weeks.


Pandemic burnout is affecting thousands of Americans daily as everyone adjusts to the new set of “norms”. Remember to continue to take time for yourself and participate in activities that make you happy. We are all in this together as we battle both this pandemic and the side effects that come along with it.